Quality, reliability, and
in everything we do

We offer full-service water treatment solutions
so that you can focus on your core business

Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis

Desalination technologies have advanced and availability of freshwater sources have become more limited, making brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO) for inland water desalination of saline aquifers an increasingly reliable, cost-effective, and environmentally sensitive solution. Today, 22 percent of the global desalinated water production is from brackish water sources.

Brackish water contains between 1000 and 15,000 mg/L of total dissolved solids (TDS). Brackish water is present in many shallow and deep aquifers in arid locations and seawater instrusion-impacted groundwaters.

Large quantities of saline groundwater often exist in quantities greater than freshwater in many water-stressed areas. With the invention of reverse osmosis, brackish waters are a source for drinking water and irrigation water in arid or water stressed regions.

Rapidly Deployable Packaged Systems

Our desalination systems are engineered and designed to meet your specific requirements. Then the systems are preassembled and delivered to your site in shipping containers, ready for “plug-and-play” rapid installation and operation.

Rapid deployment packaged desalination systems enable decentralized water treatment at the point of need. These systems are efficient enough to be deployed even in remote areas off the grid. Rapid deployment means that water treatment can be delivered directly to your site in record time. Locating desalination treatment systems at the site of demand is a flexible, sustainable alternative to large seawater desalination treatment facilities that require expensive supply and delivery infrastructure.

Customized Design
and Turn-Key Solutions

Your site specific needs are our top priority. We customize the engineering design to account for your requirements including capacity needs, site source water quality, product water quality requirements, aquifer productivity, and other site specific considerations.

Our approach to provide you with a turn-key, customized solution that meets your specific needs includes:

  • Feasibility study - We start by evaluating source water quality analysis, aquifer productivity, product water quality requirements, and other site specific considerations.

  • Customized design - We design energy efficient, reliable, and cost effective desalination systems for your specific needs. We are equipment and technology agnostic, so we do not push specific equipment manufacturers or products. Rather, we are focused on designing the best system for your requirements.

  • System installation - Turn-key means from A to Z. We will take the design all the way through to procurement, off-site preassembly, delivery, and installation.

  • Operations and maintenance - We offer operations and maintenance services to enable reliable operations of the system, letting you rest easy knowing that the system will function as intended, and allowing you to focus on your core business.

Energy Efficient,
Circular Design

Protecting the planet is the right thing to do and it is good business too. We conduct techno-economic analyses to incorporate sustainability into our system designs. Leveraging our deep technical experience in membrane technology we are able to deliver energy efficient systems to reduce overall operating costs. Evaluating the use of renewable energy to reduce operating costs and incorporating integrative and circular solutions for brine management are just some of the ways we make sustainability work for you and for the planet.

Innovative Financing

When we present to you a real world project proforma for your water desalination project plan, the question you will be asking will not be how much will it cost, but rather how much will it cost to not move the project forward. Bringing our finance acumen to bear, we will identify the best financing for the project. We will identify grants and incentives and other finance vehicles to help you get the best payback possible.

Supply Chain Decarbonization

The world is shifting towards a decarbonized global economy and markets are demanding low carbon suppliers in their supply chains. Our experts can help you decarbonize your operations to be the low carbon agricultural supplier of choice that the market will turn to. We start by evaluating the market and opportunities for your business as a low carbon supplier. Then we conduct carbon accounting to measure your current carbon footprint. Finally we help you set a decarbonization strategy based on our expertise and on techno-economic analysis of the decarbonization solutions.

“To summarize the future of resources and climate, the wall toward which humanity is evidently rushing is a shortage not of minerals and energy,
but of food and water.”

— Edward O. Wilson

Contact BARAKA Industries.
By working together
we can surmount any challenge.